San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors and Parking Authority Commission Resolution Database About Public Right-of-Way Infrastructure and Regulation Locations

Date Resolution # Item Letter Action Category Type Description
03/03/2015 15-034 12 M ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 33 feet to 139 feet north of California Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 M ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 75 feet to 96 feet north of California Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 M ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 85 feet to 125 feet north of Clay Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 M ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 104 feet to 148 feet south of Broadway

03/03/2015 15-034 12 N ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 8 feet to 75 feet south of Clay Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 N ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 12 feet to 32 feet south of Washington Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 N ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 76 feet to 114 feet north of Washington Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 N ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 9 feet to 67 feet north of Jackson Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 O ESTABLISH Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Ellis Street south side, from 93 feet to 115 feet east of Polk Street.


Geary Street, north side, from 60 feet to 80 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Pine Street, north side, from 22 feet to 47 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Pine Street, north side, from 46 feet to 67 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

California Street, south side, from 65 feet to 87 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from 10 feet to 30 feet north of Washington Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from 29 feet to 51 feet south of Jackson Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from 98 feet to 118 feet north of Broadway

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from 36 feet to 56 feet south of Vallejo Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Q ESTABLISH Parking 30 MINUTE GREEN METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 33 feet to 55 feet south of Vallejo Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 R ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Turk Street, north side, from 36 feet to 80 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 R ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Eddy Street, north side, from 14 feet to 54 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 R ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

O'Farrell Street, south side, from 42 feet to 63 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 S ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Austin Street, south side, from 8 feet to 49 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 T ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Bush Street., north side, from 13 feet to 33 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 T ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Bush Street., north side, from 13 feet to 33 feet east of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 U ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 60 feet to 104 feet south of Broadway

03/03/2015 15-034 12 U ESTABLISH Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 60 feet to 104 feet south of Broadway

03/03/2015 15-034 12 V ESTABLISH Parking SHUTTLE BUS ZONE

Turk Street, north side, from 25 feet to 97 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 V ESTABLISH Parking SHUTTLE BUS ZONE

Turk Street, north side, from 25 feet to 97 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 W RESCIND Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street., east side, from 85 feet to 128 feet north of Jackson Street.

03/03/2015 15-034 12 X RESCIND Parking YELLOW METERED ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from 55 feet to 78 feet south of Vallejo Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Y RESCIND Parking PASSENGER LOADING ZONE

Clay Street, south side, from 6 feet to 44 feet west of Polk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Cedar Street to Post Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from Post Street to 76 feet southerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Sutter Street to 58 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from Sutter Street to 55 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from California Street to 55 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from California Street to 60 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Pacific Avenue to 56 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from Vallejo Street to 78 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Green Street to 78 feet southerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 Z RESCIND Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, west side, from Union Street to 87 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 AA ESTABLISH Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Post Street to 80 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 AA ESTABLISH Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Pine Street to 80 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 AA ESTABLISH Transit BUS ZONE

Polk Street, east side, from Washington Street to 76 feet northerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 BB ESTABLISH Transit BUS BULB

Polk Street, west side, from Sutter Street to 63 feet southerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 BB ESTABLISH Transit BUS BULB

Polk Street, west side, from Broadway to 63 feet southerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 BB ESTABLISH Transit BUS BULB

Polk Street, west side, from Union Street to 63 feet southerly

03/03/2015 15-034 12 CC ESTABLISH Traffic LEFT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at Golden Gate Avenue

03/03/2015 15-034 12 CC ESTABLISH Traffic LEFT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, northbound, at Turk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 CC ESTABLISH Traffic LEFT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at O'Farrell Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 CC ESTABLISH Traffic LEFT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, northbound, at Geary Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 DD ESTABLISH Traffic RIGHT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at Turk Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 DD ESTABLISH Traffic RIGHT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at Eddy Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 DD ESTABLISH Traffic RIGHT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at Ellis Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 DD ESTABLISH Traffic RIGHT TURN POCKET

Polk Street, southbound, at Geary Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 EE ESTABLISH Traffic NO LEFT TURN

Polk Street, northbound, at McAllister Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 EE ESTABLISH Traffic NO LEFT TURN

Polk Street, southbound, at McAllister Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 EE ESTABLISH Traffic NO LEFT TURN

Polk Street, northbound, at Eddy Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 EE ESTABLISH Traffic NO LEFT TURN

Polk Street, northbound, at Ellis Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 EE ESTABLISH Traffic NO LEFT TURN

Polk Street, southbound, at Ellis Street

03/03/2015 15-034 12 FF ESTABLISH Pedestrian RAISED CROSSWALK

Fern Street at Polk Street, east side

03/03/2015 15-034 12 GG RESCIND Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Broadway, westbound, between Larkin Street and 101 feet west of Polk Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 A ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

3rd Street, east side, from 96 feet to 116 feet north o f 22nd Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 B ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

10th Street, south side, from 152 feet to 174 feet east of Market Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 C ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

19th Street, south side, from Linda Street 18 feet easterly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 D ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

20th Street, north side, from 16 feet to 54 feet east of Guerrero Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 E ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

20th Street, north side, from 6 feet to 42 feet east of Bryant Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 F ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

21st Street, south side, from Guerrero Street to 34 feet easterly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 G ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

28th Avenue, east side, from Clement Street to 38 feet northerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 H ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

38th Avenue, west side, from 16 feet to 54 feet north of Noriega Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 I ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Anza Street, north side, from 9 feet to 29 feet east of 44th Avenue

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 J ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Bosworth Street, north side, from 18 feet to 38 feet west of Brompton Avenue

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 K ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Bosworth Street, north side, from 38 feet to 56 feet west of Brompton Avenue

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 L ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Carolina Street, east side, from 22nd Street 38 feet southerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 M ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Cayuga Avenue, west side, from Balhi Court to 20 feet northerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 N ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Clement Street, north side, from 34th Avenue to 34 feet westerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 O ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Excelsior Avenue, north side, from 11 feet to 54 feet east of Mission Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 P ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Green Street, north side, from Hyde Street to 36 feet westerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 Q ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Hayes Street, north side, from 80 feet to 100 feet west of Steiner Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 R ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Montgomery Street, east side, from Green Street to 8.5 feet northerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 S ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Noriega Street, north side, from 16 feet to 54 feet west of 9th Avenue

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 T ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

San Jose Avenue, west side, from Havelock Street to 34 feet southerly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 U ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Sanchez Street, east side, from 24 feet to 60 feet north of 30th Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 V ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Taylor Street, east side, from 20 feet to 60 feet north of Union Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 W ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Taylor Street, west side, from 51 feet to 69 feet north of Pacific Avenue

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 X ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Thornton Avenue, north side, from 3 feet to 39 feet east of Bridgeview Drive

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 Y ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Ulloa Street, south side, from 16th Avenue to 38 feet easterly

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 Z ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Vallejo Street, south side, from 22 feet to 46 feet west of Franklin Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 AA ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Walter Street, west side, from 10 feet to 44 feet north of 14th Street

01/20/2015 15-015 10.4 BB ESTABLISH Parking TOW AWAY NO PARKING

Webster Street, east side, from Washington Street to 20 feet southerl

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 A ESTABLISH Traffic STOP SIGN

Vicente Street at 23rd Avenue

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 B ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Scotia Avenue, west side, from Silver Avenue to 22 feet southerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 C ESTABLISH Traffic NO TURN ON RED

Hayes Street, eastbound, at Van Ness Avenue

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 D ESTABLISH Parking RED ZONE

South Hill Boulevard, west side, from Chicago Way to 40 feet northerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 E ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

17th Street, north side, from Treat Avenue to 46 feet westerly.

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 F ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Turk Street, south side, from Webster Street to 25 feet westerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 F ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Webster Street, east side, from Turk Street to 25 feet southerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 F ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Webster Street, west side from Turk Street to 25 feet northerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 F ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Webster Street, east side, from Turk Street to 25 feet northerly

01/06/2015 15-002 10.2 F ESTABLISH Parking NO PARKING ANY TIME

Turk Street, north side, from Webster Street to 25 feet easterly


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