Below you will find crime incidents reported by San Francisco Police Department that happened in Dolores Heights neighborhood of San Francisco. The report is updated daily. Criminal activity shown on this map includes Arson, Assault, Burglary, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Drug Possession, Hate Crimes, Liquor Violation, Motor Vehicle Theft, Robbery, Sex Crimes, Stalking, Weapons Possessions and more.
Disclaimer: The San Francisco Police Department does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or correct sequencing of the information as the data is subject to change as modifications and updates are completed.
This dataset includes SFPD’s incident reports. These reports are filed by officers or self-reported by members of the public using SFPD’s online reporting system. Data is added to open data once incident reports have been reviewed and approved by a supervising Sergeant or Lieutenant. Incident reports may be removed from the dataset if in compliance with court orders to seal records or for administrative purposes such as active internal affair investigations and/or criminal investigations.
Your dataset in the spreadsheet will include Incident Date, Time, Number, Location, Police District, Category assigned by the SFPD, Description, and Resolution if any.
Date | Time | Incident # | Location | District | Category SFPD | Description | Resolution |
2025-02-23 | 16:30 | 250107151 | Mission | Mission | Larceny Theft | Theft, Bicycle, $200-$950 | Open or Active |
2025-02-26 | 14:28 | 250113772 | Mission | Mission | Non-Criminal | Aided Case | Open or Active |
2025-02-28 | 12:10 | 250117934 | Noe Valley | Bayview | Malicious Mischief | Malicious Mischief, Tire Slashing | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-01 | 03:45 | 256020674 | Mission | Mission | Larceny Theft | Theft, Other Property, $50-$200 | Open or Active |
2025-03-04 | 16:00 | 250128204 | Noe Valley | Mission | Motor Vehicle Theft | Vehicle, Stolen, Auto | Open or Active |
2025-03-07 | 14:30 | 250132299 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Other | Death Report, Cause Unknown | Open or Active |
2025-03-08 | 12:00 | 250137948 | Noe Valley | Mission | Larceny Theft | License Plate, Stolen | Open or Active |
2025-03-11 | 09:42 | 250139433 | Mission | Mission | Other Miscellaneous | Probation Violation | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-11 | 09:42 | 250139433 | Mission | Mission | Offences Against The Family And Children | Stalking | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-11 | 09:42 | 250139433 | Mission | Mission | Assault | Assault, Aggravated, W/ Force | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-12 | 12:49 | 250141977 | Mission | Mission | Non-Criminal | Found Property | Open or Active |
2025-03-13 | 12:00 | 250146240 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Non-Criminal | Found Property | Open or Active |
2025-03-16 | 16:36 | 250150100 | Mission | Mission | Burglary | Burglary, Hot Prowl, Forcible Entry | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-18 | 10:30 | 256027385 | Noe Valley | Mission | Larceny Theft | Theft, Other Property, $50-$200 | Open or Active |
2025-03-18 | 18:03 | 250155451 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Larceny Theft | Theft, Other Property, $50-$200 | Open or Active |
2025-03-18 | 20:00 | 250155893 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Burglary | Burglary, Hot Prowl, Unlawful Entry | Open or Active |
2025-03-19 | 07:49 | 250155263 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Warrant | Warrant Arrest, Enroute To Outside Jurisdiction | Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-19 | 21:00 | 250042858 | Castro/Upper Market | Mission | Miscellaneous Investigation | Miscellaneous Investigation | Open or Active |
2025-03-21 | 15:00 | 250160682 | Mission | Mission | Non-Criminal | Found Property | Open or Active |
2025-03-22 | 11:00 | 250163335 | Mission | Mission | Other | Death Report, Cause Unknown | Open or Active |
2025-03-22 | 22:00 | 250163686 | Noe Valley | Mission | Burglary | Burglary, Hot Prowl, Unlawful Entry | Open or Active |
2025-03-22 | 22:00 | 250163686 | Noe Valley | Mission | Larceny Theft | Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, $50-$200 | Open or Active |
2025-03-25 | 14:40 | 250168642 | Mission | Mission | Fire Report | Fire Report | Open or Active |
This list shows statistics for Arson, Domestic Violence, Liquor Violation, Stalking, Assault, Drugs Possession, Motor Vehicle Theft, Weapons Possession, Burglary, Robbery, Dating Violence, Hate Crimes, Sex Crimes, and other crimes according to SFPD incident reports. You can also get the same information broken by the following geographic areas: