2024-03-27 |
13:40 |
240194663 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Warrant |
Warrant Arrest, Local SF Warrant |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-03-27 |
13:40 |
240187533 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Missing Person |
Found Person |
Open or Active |
2024-03-28 |
18:30 |
240198574 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-04-01 |
17:30 |
240206387 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Shoplifting, Force against Agent |
Open or Active |
2024-04-03 |
15:23 |
240210504 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-04-04 |
14:30 |
240215190 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Other Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2024-04-11 |
21:05 |
240228886 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-04-11 |
23:09 |
240228864 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Non-Criminal |
Aided Case |
Open or Active |
2024-04-15 |
11:00 |
246051071 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-04-19 |
15:00 |
240246468 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, $200-$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-04-26 |
04:00 |
240262135 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Robbery, Att., W/ Force |
Open or Active |
2024-05-02 |
09:20 |
240276380 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Building, Att. |
Open or Active |
2024-05-04 |
19:46 |
240281793 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-05-08 |
18:13 |
240290584 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Sex Offense |
Indecent Exposure (Adult victim) |
Open or Active |
2024-05-08 |
18:13 |
240290584 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Investigative Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-05-10 |
02:09 |
240293629 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Building, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-05-14 |
08:37 |
240303030 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Open or Active |
2024-05-14 |
14:48 |
240303858 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Non-Criminal |
Found Property |
Open or Active |
2024-05-20 |
20:10 |
240317564 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Non-Criminal |
Aided Case |
Open or Active |
2024-05-22 |
07:38 |
240320658 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Driving, No License Issued |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-05-22 |
20:58 |
240322347 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Auto |
Open or Active |
2024-05-23 |
09:18 |
240322347 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, $200-$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-05-23 |
09:18 |
240322347 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Recovered Vehicle |
Vehicle, Recovered, Auto |
Open or Active |
2024-05-24 |
09:59 |
240325498 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Driving, No License Issued |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-05-24 |
09:59 |
240325498 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Traffic Violation Arrest |
Traffic Violation Arrest |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-05-24 |
22:40 |
240328812 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-05-26 |
23:20 |
240331053 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-05-27 |
23:59 |
240333015 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Driving, License Suspended or Revoked |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-05-27 |
23:59 |
240333015 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Traffic Violation Arrest |
Traffic Violation Arrest |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-06-06 |
18:20 |
240355508 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Disorderly Conduct |
Terrorist Threats |
Open or Active |
2024-06-08 |
10:57 |
240359130 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Non-Criminal |
Aided case, Naloxone Deployment |
Open or Active |
2024-06-08 |
10:57 |
240359130 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other |
Death Report, Cause Unknown |
Open or Active |
2024-06-19 |
09:18 |
240385834 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Fraud |
Access Card, incl. Credit, Phone, ATM, Fraudulent Use of |
Open or Active |
2024-06-19 |
09:18 |
240385834 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Fraud |
False Personation to Receive Money or Property |
Open or Active |
2024-06-20 |
05:59 |
240384494 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Assault, Non-Aggravated |
Open or Active |
2024-06-20 |
05:59 |
240384494 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Suspicious Occ |
Suspicious Occurrence |
Open or Active |
2024-06-20 |
09:15 |
240386092 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, $200-$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-06-21 |
16:15 |
240387802 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Assault, Non-Aggravated |
Open or Active |
2024-06-25 |
12:00 |
240398677 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Motorcycle |
Open or Active |
2024-06-30 |
11:21 |
240406537 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Knife |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-06-30 |
11:21 |
240406537 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Assault, W/ Caustic Chemical to Injure or Disfigure |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-07-08 |
04:46 |
240424658 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Burglary |
Burglary, Store, Forcible Entry |
Open or Active |
2024-07-10 |
08:55 |
240429363 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-07-10 |
16:28 |
240418645 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Recovered Vehicle |
Vehicle, Recovered, Motorcycle |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-07-17 |
13:16 |
240446163 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Non-Criminal |
Mental Health Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-07-18 |
23:44 |
240449957 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Non-Criminal |
Mental Health Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-07-19 |
13:30 |
240451134 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other |
Death Report, Cause Unknown |
Open or Active |
2024-07-22 |
08:00 |
240460072 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Tenderloin |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Other Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2024-07-25 |
04:04 |
240463327 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-07-27 |
09:27 |
240468139 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-07-31 |
15:17 |
240478194 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-07-31 |
15:17 |
240478194 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Warrant |
Warrant Arrest, Enroute To Outside Jurisdiction |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-08-02 |
13:40 |
240482769 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, $200-$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-08-02 |
17:04 |
240482935 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery, former Spouse or Dating Relationship |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-08-02 |
17:04 |
240482935 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Disorderly Conduct |
Terrorist Threats |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-08-04 |
01:21 |
240485666 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-08-05 |
09:31 |
240488381 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Suspicious Occ |
Suspicious Act Towards Female |
Open or Active |
2024-08-05 |
15:00 |
240490308 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Burglary |
Burglary, Non-residential, Forcible Entry |
Open or Active |
2024-08-06 |
19:41 |
240491942 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Investigative Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-08-06 |
19:50 |
240491920 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-08-06 |
21:21 |
240492075 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Non-Criminal |
Mental Health Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-08-08 |
09:45 |
240495803 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Suspicious Occ |
Suspicious Occurrence |
Open or Active |
2024-08-12 |
13:30 |
240503951 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Investigative Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-08-14 |
12:00 |
240511590 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, Att. |
Open or Active |
2024-08-14 |
13:00 |
240509971 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-08-17 |
15:15 |
240519663 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Robbery |
Robbery, W/ Force |
Open or Active |
2024-08-17 |
15:15 |
240519663 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Force |
Open or Active |
2024-08-19 |
01:30 |
240518477 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Breaking Windows |
Open or Active |
2024-08-21 |
08:25 |
240523573 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Locked Vehicle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-08-22 |
18:00 |
240531059 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-08-23 |
18:28 |
240521765 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-08-23 |
23:27 |
240530023 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Investigative Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-08-24 |
22:00 |
240533538 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Other Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2024-08-28 |
14:20 |
240540323 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-08-30 |
03:10 |
240544212 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Bayview |
Non-Criminal |
Stay Away or Court Order, Non-DV Related |
Open or Active |
2024-09-01 |
09:25 |
246111879 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, $50-$200 |
Open or Active |
2024-09-09 |
19:58 |
240568557 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Building, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-09-11 |
16:16 |
240572677 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Disorderly Conduct |
Terrorist Threats |
Open or Active |
2024-09-12 |
01:25 |
240574673 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Arson |
Arson |
Open or Active |
2024-09-12 |
21:00 |
240575596 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-12 |
21:00 |
240575596 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Robbery, W/ Knife |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-13 |
00:30 |
240575734 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Robbery, Street or Public Place, W/ Other Weapon |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-13 |
00:30 |
240575734 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Weapons Offense |
Weapon, Deadly, Imitation or Laser Scope, Exhibiting |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-13 |
00:30 |
240575734 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Other Weapon |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-16 |
16:15 |
240582961 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Warrant |
Warrant Arrest, Enroute To Outside Jurisdiction |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-16 |
16:15 |
240582961 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-20 |
00:13 |
240590970 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-22 |
12:27 |
240596291 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Tenderloin |
Drug Offense |
Narcotics Paraphernalia, Possession of |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-09-25 |
05:50 |
240602804 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery with Serious Injuries |
Open or Active |
2024-09-25 |
16:20 |
240604305 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-01 |
08:00 |
240616281 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-07 |
09:45 |
240630457 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-09 |
09:17 |
240635247 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-10-09 |
11:30 |
246131134 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, $50-$200 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-10 |
13:00 |
240585216 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Missing Person |
Found Person |
Open or Active |
2024-10-10 |
13:00 |
240638417 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Missing Person |
Found Person |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-10 |
13:00 |
240638417 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-10 |
13:00 |
240638417 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing Peace Officer Duties |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-10 |
16:30 |
240639374 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Bayview |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Auto |
Open or Active |
2024-10-13 |
19:43 |
240646078 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Missing Person |
Missing Adult |
Open or Active |
2024-10-14 |
20:00 |
240649505 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Other Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2024-10-16 |
14:38 |
240651873 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Burglary |
Burglary, Store, Unlawful Entry |
Open or Active |
2024-10-16 |
14:38 |
240651873 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Open or Active |
2024-10-17 |
16:30 |
240654479 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Open or Active |
2024-10-17 |
16:30 |
240654479 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-10-17 |
16:30 |
240654479 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-19 |
09:15 |
240657796 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Non-Criminal |
Found Property |
Open or Active |
2024-10-19 |
18:50 |
240658738 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, >$950 |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-19 |
18:50 |
240658738 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Burglary Tools, Possession Of |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-19 |
18:50 |
240658738 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Drug Offense |
Methamphetamine Offense |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-21 |
01:41 |
240661145 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-10-21 |
11:30 |
240662109 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-23 |
14:55 |
240667739 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-10-25 |
15:51 |
240672863 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Open or Active |
2024-10-25 |
15:51 |
240672863 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-10-26 |
10:30 |
240673281 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Non-Criminal |
Mental Health Detention |
Open or Active |
2024-10-27 |
17:00 |
240675817 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-10-28 |
01:00 |
240676542 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-10-30 |
11:50 |
240681353 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Burglary |
Burglary, Store, Unlawful Entry |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-30 |
11:50 |
240681353 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-10-30 |
11:50 |
240681353 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Resisting, Delaying, or Obstructing Peace Officer Duties |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-11-01 |
16:30 |
240686610 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-11-02 |
15:30 |
240688343 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-11-02 |
15:30 |
240688343 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-11-15 |
13:30 |
240715366 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Robbery, Street or Public Place, W/ Force |
Open or Active |
2024-11-20 |
13:00 |
240725901 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Open or Active |
2024-11-20 |
13:00 |
240725901 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-11-25 |
21:00 |
240734714 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Non-Criminal |
Found Property |
Open or Active |
2024-11-26 |
08:30 |
240734673 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Bicycle, $50-$200 |
Open or Active |
2024-11-27 |
14:21 |
240737702 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2024-11-27 |
14:21 |
240737702 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Open or Active |
2024-11-27 |
15:02 |
240737655 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Trespassing |
Open or Active |
2024-11-27 |
16:41 |
240737796 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Offenses |
License Plate, Recovered |
Open or Active |
2024-11-28 |
20:49 |
240739457 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Drug Offense |
Narcotics Paraphernalia, Possession of |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-11-28 |
20:49 |
240739457 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Warrant |
Warrant Arrest, Enroute To Outside Jurisdiction |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-11-28 |
20:49 |
240739457 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Knife |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-12-01 |
06:18 |
240743351 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2024-12-02 |
15:30 |
240747444 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Fraud |
Fraudulent Game or Trick, Obtaining Money or Property |
Open or Active |
2024-12-10 |
15:12 |
240762715 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Tenderloin |
Disorderly Conduct |
Drugs, Under Influence in a Public Place |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-12-10 |
15:12 |
240762715 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Tenderloin |
Drug Offense |
Loitering Where Narcotics are Sold/Used |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2024-12-13 |
17:22 |
240769642 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2024-12-13 |
17:22 |
240769642 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-01-02 |
16:15 |
250003640 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-01-04 |
12:00 |
250007131 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, <$50 |
Open or Active |
2025-01-08 |
18:00 |
250016160 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Burglary |
Burglary, Store, Unlawful Entry |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-01-08 |
18:00 |
250016160 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-01-08 |
18:00 |
250016160 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Stolen Property |
Stolen Property, Possession with Knowledge, Receiving |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-01-18 |
15:42 |
250035530 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Property |
Open or Active |
2025-01-18 |
15:42 |
250035530 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-01-18 |
15:42 |
250035530 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Other Miscellaneous |
Conspiracy |
Open or Active |
2025-01-19 |
10:30 |
250036641 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery, Sexual |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-01-19 |
10:30 |
250036641 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Other Miscellaneous |
Kidnapping (Adult victim) |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-01-23 |
08:15 |
250044882 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Other Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2025-01-30 |
12:00 |
250059079 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Shoplifting, $200-$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-02-01 |
15:00 |
250063268 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Assault, Aggravated, W/ Knife |
Open or Active |
2025-02-05 |
10:55 |
250070542 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Motor Vehicle Theft |
Vehicle, Stolen, Motorcycle |
Open or Active |
2025-02-06 |
11:40 |
250071891 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2025-02-14 |
19:54 |
250088620 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Vehicle |
Open or Active |
2025-02-18 |
08:15 |
250094611 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Civil Sidewalks |
Civil Sidewalks, Warning |
Open or Active |
2025-02-19 |
06:30 |
250097665 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Building, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-02-19 |
08:11 |
250096974 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Civil Sidewalks |
Civil Sidewalks, Citation |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-02-24 |
08:42 |
250110223 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, Other Property, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-02-28 |
12:48 |
250117984 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2025-02-28 |
13:45 |
250118114 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2025-03-01 |
08:04 |
250119510 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Civil Sidewalks |
Civil Sidewalks, Warning |
Open or Active |
2025-03-09 |
23:00 |
250136865 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Warrant |
Warrant Arrest, Local SF Warrant |
Cite or Arrest Adult |
2025-03-15 |
15:00 |
250148876 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Larceny Theft |
Theft, From Unlocked Vehicle, >$950 |
Open or Active |
2025-03-17 |
14:35 |
250151722 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Assault |
Battery |
Open or Active |
2025-03-19 |
12:20 |
250155906 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Tenderloin |
Lost Property |
Lost Property |
Open or Active |
2025-03-22 |
14:00 |
250162741 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Southern |
Robbery |
Robbery, Chain Store, W/ Force |
Open or Active |
2025-03-22 |
18:20 |
250162967 |
Financial District/South Beach |
Central |
Malicious Mischief |
Malicious Mischief, Vandalism to Vehicle |
Open or Active |